Home >>XML Tutorial >XML Features
In the era of web development XML is widely used. This also helps to facilitate the storage and exchange of data.
The main features or benefits of XML are outlined below.
If you need to display dynamic data in your HTML document, editing the HTML will take a great deal of work each time the data changes.
XML allows the data to be stored in separate XML files. It helps you to concentrate on using HTML / CSS for display and layout, and ensuring that adjustments to the underlying data do not include modifications to the HTML.
You can read an external XML file with a few lines of JavaScript code, and update your web page 's data content.
Computer systems and databases in the physical world hold the data in different formats.
XML data are kept in plain text format. This provides a software- and hardware-independent approach to data storage.
This makes it much easier to create data which different applications can share.
One of the developers' most time-consuming challenges is the sharing of data over the Internet between incompatible systems.
The difficulty is significantly minimized by the sharing of data as XML, as the data can be interpreted by different incompatible applications.
It is often time-consuming to migrate to new systems (hardware or software platforms). Large amounts of data need to be transformed and often conflicting data gets lost.
XML data is kept in text format. That allows extending or upgrading to new operating systems, new software or new browsers simpler without losing data.
You can view the data from various applications, not just through HTML pages but also from XML data sources.
With XML, all sorts of "reading machines" (handheld computers, speech machines, news feeds, etc.) will view the data to make it more accessible to blind people, or individuals with certain disabilities.
For XML several new Internet languages are being created.
Below are only a few examples: