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VB.Net Programs

VB.Net Programs

VB.Net Programs Index

Sr.No. Topics
1 Program to Print Hello World in VB.NET
2 VB.Net program to demonstrate the difference between Console.Write() and Console.WriteLine() methods
3 VB.Net program to print backslash (\) character on the console screen
4 VB.Net program to convert a double number into an integer number
5 VB.Net program to convert different types of variables into the string
6 VB.Net program to demonstrate the use of the 'vbTab' constant
7 VB.Net program to demonstrate the use of the 'vbCrLf' constant
8 VB.Net program to input and print an integer variable
9 VB.Net program to demonstrate the bitwise operators
10 VB.Net program to print the binary number of a decimal number
11 VB.Net program to print the total bits required to store a given integer number
12 VB.Net program to count the total number of high bits in a given integer number
13 VB.Net program to demonstrate the left-shift operator (<<)
14 VB.Net program to demonstrate the right-shift operator (>>)
15 VB.Net Program to perform BITWISE AND operation
16 VB.Net program to perform BITWISE OR operation
17 VB.Net program to perform BITWISE XOR operation
18 VB.Net program to demonstrate the BITWISE NOT operator
19 VB.Net program to perform the LOGICAL AND operation using the AndAlso operator
20 VB.Net program to perform the LOGICAL OR operation using the OrElse operator
21 VB.Net program to check the palindrome of the binary number using bitwise operators
22 VB.Net program to check the given number is even or odd
23 VB.Net program to check EVEN/ODD using bitwise operators
24 VB.Net program to swap two numbers using a BITWISE XOR operator
25 VB.Net program to check Nth bit of an integer number is SET or not
26 VB.Net program to check the given number is EVEN or ODD using conditional operator
27 VB.Net program to find the largest number between two numbers
28 VB.Net program to find the largest number among three numbers
29 VB.Net program to check the given number is POSITIVE or NEGATIVE
30 VB.Net program to check leap year
31 VB.Net program to check the given year is leap year or not using conditional operator
32 VB.Net program to calculate the area of the circle
33 VB.Net program to calculate the perimeter of the circle
34 VB.Net program to calculate the area of the rectangle
35 VB.Net program to calculate the Highest Common Factor (HCF)
36 VB.Net program to calculate the multiplication of two numbers using the '+' operator
37 VB.Net program to round off the value of the floating-point number
38 VB.Net program to get a large value using Math.Max() method
39 VB.Net program to get the smallest value using Math.Min() method
40 VB.Net program to produce the full product of two 32-bit integer numbers
41 VB.Net program to truncate the value of the floating-point number
42 VB.Net program to find the angle for specified sine value
43 VB.Net program to find the angle for specified cosine value
44 VB.Net program to find the angle for specified tangent value
45 VB.Net program to find the sine value for the specified angle
46 VB.Net program to find the cosine value for the specified angle
47 VB.Net Program to find the tangent value for the specified angle
48 VB.Net program to find the hyperbolic sine
49 VB.Net program to find the hyperbolic cosine
50 VB.Net program to find the hyperbolic tangent
51 VB.Net Program to demonstrate the Math.DivRem() method
52 VB.Net program to demonstrate the Math.Exp() method
53 VB.Net program to demonstrate the use of Math.IEEERemainder() method
54 VB.Net program to find the logarithm value of a specified number
55 VB.Net program to demonstrate the Math.Log10() method
56 VB.Net program to find the sign of a specified number using Math.Sign() method
57 VB.Net program to find the division of a student based on a given percentage
58 VB.Net program to compare two strings
59 VB.Net program to demonstrate the use of 'select case'
60 VB.Net program to demonstrate the use of 'select case' with a given range
61 VB.Net program to use a comma ',' to use multiple options in 'select case'
62 VB.Net program to demonstrate the nested 'select case'
63 VB.Net program to demonstrate the duplicate case in the 'select case'
64 VB.Net program to create a simple calculator using 'select case'
65 VB.Net program to print the table of given number using GoTo statement
66 VB.Net program to print the ASCII values of numbers
67 VB.Net program to print the HEX values of numbers
68 VB.Net program to print 1, 11, 31, 61, ..., 10 times using GoTo statement
69 VB.Net program to read a name and print 5 times using GoTo statement
70 VB.Net program to print the square of numbers from 1 to 5
71 VB.Net Program to Overload arithmetic operators

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