Home >>VB.Net Built-in Functions

VB.Net Built-in Functions

VB.Net Built-in Functions With Examples

VB.Net Built-in Functions Index

Sr.No. Topics
1 VB.Net program to demonstrate the InStr() function
2 VB.Net program to demonstrate the UCase() function
3 VB.Net program to demonstrate the LCase() function
4 VB.Net program to demonstrate the Chr() function
5 VB.Net program to demonstrate the Asc() function
6 VB.Net program to demonstrate the Hex() function
7 VB.Net program to demonstrate the Oct() function
8 VB.Net program to demonstrate the Fix() function
9 VB.Net program to demonstrate the CInt() function
10 VB.Net program to demonstrate the CSByte() function
11 VB.Net program to demonstrate the CShort() function
12 VB.Net program to demonstrate the CUShort() function
13 VB.Net program to demonstrate the CByte() function
14 VB.Net program to demonstrate the CSng() function
15 VB.Net program to demonstrate the CDbl() function
16 VB.Net program to demonstrate the CDec() function
17 VB.Net program to demonstrate the CLng() function
18 VB.Net program to demonstrate the CULng() function
19 VB.Net program to demonstrate the CStr() function
20 VB.Net program to print date and time in 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss' format using Format() function
21 VB.Net program to print date and time in 'day, month dd, yyyy' format using Format() function
22 VB.Net program to print date and time in different formats using Format() function
23 VB.Net program to print given number in different formats using Format() function
24 VB.Net program to demonstrate the CBool() function
25 VB.Net program to demonstrate the Val() function
26 VB.Net program to demonstrate the GetChar() function
27 VB.Net program to reverse the given number using the While loop
28 VB.Net program to check the given number is palindrome or not using While loop
29 VB.Net program to count the digits of given number using While loop
30 VB.Net program to check given number is Armstrong or not using While loop
31 VB.Net program to print the table of given number using Do While
32 VB.Net program to print 1, 11, 31, 61, ... using Do While Loop
33 VB.Net program to Enter a name and print 5 times using Do While Loop
34 VB.Net program to demonstrate the boxing
35 VB.Net program to demonstrate the un-boxing
36 VB.Net program to create a constant using const keyword
37 VB.Net program to print the name of Enum constants
38 VB.Net program to print the default values of Enum constants
39 VB.Net program to print explicitly initialized values of Enum
40 VB.Net program to create a global variable
41 VB.Net program to create a simple class and object
42 VB.Net program to create multiple objects of the class
43 VB.Net program to create an array of objects of the class
44 VB.Net program to create an empty class
45 VB.Net program to create a class add two distances
46 VB.Net program create a Student class and read and print details
47 VB.Net program to create an object of class inside another class
48 VB.Net program to demonstrate the private methods
49 VB.Net program to demonstrate default or no-argument constructor
50 VB.Net program to demonstrate the parameterized constructor
51 VB.Net program of constructor overloading
52 VB.Net program to demonstrate the constructor chaining
53 Copy constructor in VB net with Example
54 VB.Net Program to demonstrate the destructor
55 VB.Net program to demonstrate the method of overloading
56 VB.Net program of method-overloading based on different arguments
57 VB.Net Program of method overloading based on different order of arguments
58 VB.Net Program to overload non-member functions
59 VB.Net Program to overload Main() function
60 VB.Net Program of method overloading with type promotion
61 VB.Net Program of method overloading with type demotion
62 VB.Net Program to demonstrate inheritance
63 VB.Net Program to demonstrate inheritance with constructors
64 VB.Net Program to demonstrate inheritance with destructors
65 VB.Net Program to demonstrate the multi-level inheritance
66 VB.Net Program to demonstrate hierarchical inheritance
67 VB.Net program to demonstrate the Mid() function
68 VB.Net Program of inheritance with the protected member
69 VB.Net program to demonstrate the Trim() function
70 VB.Net program to demonstrate the hybrid inheritance
71 VB.Net program to demonstrate the LTrim() function
72 VB.Net program of simple inheritance with student information
73 VB.Net program to demonstrate the RTrim() function
74 VB.Net program of the simple interface
75 VB.Net Program to implement an interface in structure
76 VB.Net program to use multiple-inheritance using the interface
77 VB.Net Program to use multiple-inheritance using interface and structure
78 VB.Net program to demonstrate the nested interface
79 VB.Net program to demonstrate the interface inheritance
80 VB.Net program to demonstrate the MustInherit class
81 VB.Net Program to demonstrate the NotInheritable class
82 VB.Net program to override a base class method into derived class
83 VB.Net Program to call base class and derived class overridable method
84 VB.Net Program to demonstrate the MyBase keyword
85 VB.Net Program to demonstrate MustOverride keyword
86 VB.Net program to demonstrate the abstract class
87 VB.Net program to demonstrate the shared methods
88 VB.Net program to demonstrate the shared data member class
89 VB.Net program to count total created objects using shared member
90 VB.Net program to demonstrate the "Me" object
91 VB.Net program to demonstrate the 'MyClass' keyword
92 VB.Net Program to demonstrate the 'Friend' keyword
93 VB.Net Program to overload unary minus (-) operator
94 VB.Net program to overload binary plus (+) operator
95 VB.Net program to overload 'Mod' operator
96 VB.Net program to overload binary multiplication (*) operator
97 Write a VB.Net Program to overload less than (<) and greater than (>) operator
98 VB.Net Program to overload equal to (=) and not equal to (< >) operators
99 VB.Net Program to overload less than equal to (<=) and greater than equal to (>=) operators
100 VB.Net Program to overload the Logical 'And' Operator
101 VB.Net Program to overload the Logical 'Or' Operator
102 VB.Net Program to Overload the Logical 'Xor' Operator
103 VB.Net Program to Overload 'IsTrue' and 'IsFalse' Operators
104 VB.Net program to overload bitwise left shift (<<) operator
105 VB.Net Program to Overload bitwise right shift (>>) operator
106 VB.Net Program to Overload Not operator
107 VB.Net Program to Overload exponential (^) Operator
108 VB.Net Program to Overload Concatenates (&) Operator
109 VB.Net Program to Overload Like Operator
110 VB.Net Program to Demonstrate Set and Get Properties
111 VB.Net Program to Implement ReadOnly Property
112 VB.Net Program to Implement WriteOnly Property
113 VB.Net Program to demonstrate Set and Get Properties with Structure

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