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Python String format_map() method

Python String format_map() method

Python string format_map() method is employed to return a dictionary key’s value. It is almost like the format() method but the difference is that the format() method creates a new dictionary whereas the format_map() doesn't.


Parameter Values

Parameter Description
input_dict It defines the variable in which the input dictionary is stored.
Here is an example of Python format_map() method:

a = {'x':'Jerry', 'y':'Stark'} 
print("{x}'s last name is {y}".format_map(a))

Jerry's last name is Stark
Example 2:

# Input dictionary 
profession = { 'name':['Barry', 'Bruce'], 
               'profession':['Flash', 'Batman'] } 
# Use of format_map() function  
print('{name[0]} is the {profession[0]}. '
print('{name[1]} is the {profession[1]}. '

Barry is the Flash.
Bruce is the Batman.

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