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Python property() function

Python property() function

Python property() function is used to create property of a given class. If no arguments are given then it returns a base property attribute that doesn’t contain any getter, setter or deleter.

property(fget, fset, fdel, doc)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
fget This parameter is used to get the value of attribute
fset This parameter is used to set the value of attribute
fdel This parameter is used to delete the attribute value
doc This parameter is a string that contains the documentation (docstring) for the attribute
Here is an example of Python property() function:

class Alphabet: 
	def __init__(self, value): 
		self._value = value 
	def getValue(self): 
		print('Getting value') 
		return self._value 

	def setValue(self, value): 
		print('Setting value to ' + value) 
		self._value = value 
	def delValue(self): 
		print('Deleting value') 
		del self._value 
	value = property(getValue, setValue, delValue, ) 

x = Alphabet('PHPTPOINT') 

x.value = 'Abhi'

del x.value

Getting value
Setting value to Abhi
Deleting value

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