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Python compile() Function

Python compile() Function

The compile() function takes source code as input and returns the specified source as a code object which can later be executed by exec() function.

compile(source, filename, mode, flag, dont_inherit, optimize)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
source It is Required Parameter. The source to compile, a normal String, a byte string, or an AST (Abstract Syntax trees) object
filename It is Required Parameter. The name of the file from which the code is read.
mode It is Required Parameter. Legal values:
eval – In case the source is a single expression
exec – In case the source is a block of statements
single – In case the source is a single interactive statement
flags It is Optional parameter. It monitors that how to compile the source. Default value is 0
dont-inherit It is Optional parameter. It monitors that how to compile the source. Default value is 0
optimize It is Optional parameter. It defines the optimization level of the compiler and its default value is -1
Here is an Example of Python compile() Function:
z = compile('print(85)', 'test', 'eval')
Example 2:
Sourcecode = 'a = 15\nb = 25\nmul = a * b\nprint("mul =", mul)'
execCode = compile(Sourcecode, 'mulstring', 'exec') 
mul = 375

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