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Node.js MySQL SELECT Unique Record

Node.js MySQL SELECT Unique Record

(WHERE Clause)

Retrieve single data from the "users" table. To Select Signle Data use WHERE Clause.

Build a js file called selectwhere.js that has the following data in the folder example1

var db = require('db');  
var con = db.createConnection({  
host: "localhost",  
user: "root",  
password: "",  
database: "phptpoint"  
con.connect(function(err) {  
if (err) throw err;  
con.query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '1'", function (err, result) {  
if (err) throw err;  

Now open terminal command and execute the following instruction:

Node selectwhere.js 

Node.js MySQL Select Wildcard

Retrieve a unique data by using wildcard from the table "users".

Build a js file called selectwildcard.js that has the following data in the folder example1.

var db = require('db');  
var con = db.createConnection({  
host: "localhost",  
user: "root",  
password: "",  
database: "phptpoint"  
con.connect(function(err) {  
if (err) throw err;  
con.query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE 'A%'", function (err, reult) {  
if (err) throw err;  

Now open terminal command and execute the following instruction:

Node selectwildcard.js 

The record will be retrieved where name begins with A.

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