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MongoDB Tutorial

MongoDB Tutorial

MongoDB is an open-source document archive and leading NoSQL database. MongoDB is written in C++. This tutorial will give you a great understanding of the MongoDB concepts required for a highly scalable and performance-oriented database to be developed and implemented.


This tutorial is intended for professionals in software who are ready to learn the MongoDB database in quick and easy steps. It will throw light on the concepts of MongoDB and you will be at an intermediate level of knowledge after completing this tutorial, from where you can take yourself to a higher level of expertise.


You should have a basic understanding of the database, text editor and programs execution, etc, before continuing with this tutorial. Since we are trying to build a high-performance database, if you have an understanding of the basic database concepts (RDBMS), it would be nice.

MongoDB Tutorial Index

Sr.No. Topics
1 MongoDB Overview
2 MongoDB Advantages
3 MongoDB Environment
4 MongoDB Data Modelling
5 MongoDB Create Database
6 MongoDB Drop Database
7 MongoDB Create Collection
8 MongoDB Drop Collection
9 MongoDB Datatypes
10 MongoDB Insert Document
11 MongoDB Query Document
12 MongoDB Update Document
13 MongoDB Delete Document
14 MongoDB Projection
15 MongoDB Limit Records
16 MongoDB Sort Records
17 MongoDB Indexing
18 MongoDB Aggregation
19 MongoDB Replication
20 MongoDB Sharding
21 MongoDB Create Backup
22 MongoDB Deployment
23 MongoDB Java
24 MongoDB PHP
25 MongoDB Relationships
26 MongoDB Database References
27 MongoDB Covered Queries
28 MongoDB Analyzing Queries
29 MongoDB Atomic Operations
30 MongoDB Advanced Indexing
31 MongoDB Indexing Limitations
32 MongoDB ObjectId
33 MongoDB Map Reduce
34 MongoDB Text Search
35 MongoDB Regular Expression
36 Working with RockMongo
37 MongoDB GridFS
38 MongoDB Capped Collections
39 MongoDB Auto-Increment Sequence

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