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JavaScript getUTCSeconds() Method

JavaScript getUTCSeconds() Method

JavaScript getUTCSeconds() method returns the seconds ( from 0 to 59) in the specified date according to universal time. This method representing the seconds in the given date.


Browser Support

Method Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
getUTCSeconds() Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Here is an example of JavaScript getUTCSeconds() Method:
<button onclick="myGetsec()">click me</button>
<p id="sec"></p>
function myGetsec() 
  var d = new Date();
  var a = d.getUTCSeconds();
  document.getElementById("sec").innerHTML = a;

Example 2:
var sec1=new Date("Febuary 25 1997 23:20:45 GMT+7:00");
var sec2=new Date("Febuary 25 1997 23:59:58 GMT+5:30");
document.writeln("Second v1 : "+sec1.getUTCSeconds()+"<br>");
document.writeln("Second v2 : "+sec2.getUTCSeconds());

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