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Django Installation

Django Installation

To install Django, first, we have to visit the Django official site (https://www.djangoproject.com) and download Django by clicking on the download section.

Django requires pip to start the installation. Pip is a package management system that is used to install and manage the packages written in python. pip3 is used to manage packages for Python 3.4 and higher versions.

Before installing the Django, make sure that pip is installed in your local system.

Here, we are installing Django using pip3 and the installation command is given below.

$ pip3 install django==2.0.3  

Verify Django Installation

After installing the Django, we need to verify the installation.

Open the terminal and write python3 and then press enter. It will display the python shell where we can verify the Django installation.

Write “print(Django.get_version())” and the Django version will be displayed on the terminal. Now, Django is installed successfully and we can build Django web applications.

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