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DBMS Tutorial

Database Management System Tutorial

In short, the Database Management System or DBMS refers to the technology for the most effective storage and retrieval of user data along with adequate security measures. This tutorial discusses the basics of DBMS, such as its architecture, data models, data schemas, independence of data, E-R model, relationship model, design of database systems, the structure of storage and files, and much more.

Why to Learn DBMS?

Data has traditionally been arranged in file formats. DBMS was then a modern idea, and all the analysis was done to overcome the weaknesses of the traditional data management style. A modern DBMS has the following features:

  • Real-world entity-A modern DBMS is more realistic and models the architecture using real-world entities. It also uses actions and attributes. A school database, for example, can use students as an individual and their age as an attribute.
  • Relation-based tables-DBMS enables tables to be created by entities and relations between them. Just by looking at the table names, a user can understand the architecture of a database.
  • Data and application isolation-A storage system is completely separate from its data. A database is an active entity, while the data that the database operates and organises is said to be passive. In order to ease their own operation, DBMS often stores metadata, which is data information.
  • Less redundancy −DBMS follows the rules of normalisation that splits a partnership when all of its attributes have redundancy in values. Normalization is a method that is mathematically rich and scientific, reducing data redundancy.
  • Consistency-Consistency is a state in which any reference remains consistent in a database. Methods and methods exist that can detect attempts to exit the database in an inconsistent state. Compared to the previous types of data storage applications, such as file-processing systems, a DBMS may provide greater consistency.
  • Query Language -DBMS is equipped with a query language , making data retrieval and manipulation more efficient. A user can use as many filtering options as possible to retrieve a collection of data. Traditionally, where file-processing technologies were used, it was not possible.

Applications of DBMS

A database is a collection of relevant data and a collection of facts and figures that can be processed for the processing of data.

Data represents mainly recordable information. Data helps to produce data that is based on facts. If we have details on marks received by all students , for example, we can then conclude about toppers and average marks.

In such a way that it becomes easier to retrieve, process, and generate information, a database management system stores data. The following are the important DBMS features and applications.

  • ACID Properties- DBMS follows the atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (normally shortened as ACID) principles of ACID Properties. These principles apply to transactions that, in a database, manipulate data. In multi-transactional environments and in the event of failure, ACID properties help the database stay healthy.
  • Multiuser and Concurrent Access −DBMS supports multi-user applications and enables them to view and control data in parallel. Multi-user and Concurrent View While transaction restrictions occur when users try to deal with the same data item, users are still unaware of them.
  • Multiple views-DBMS provides various users with multiple views. A user in the Department of Sales would have a different view of the database than a person in the Department of Production. This role allows users to have a focused view of the database according to their needs.
  • Security-Features such as multiple views provide security to the extent that other users and departments can not access data from users. DBMS provides methods to impose constraints when entering and retrieving data into the database at a later level. DBMS provides several different levels of security features , allowing multiple users with different applications to have different views. In the Sales Department , for example, an user does not see the data that belongs to the Purchasing Department. In addition, how much data should be shown to the user by the Sales Department can also be handled. Since a DBMS is not saved like a traditional file system on the file, it is very difficult to break the code for miscreants.


In particular, this DBMS tutorial will allow graduates of computer science to understand basic to advanced concepts related to Database Management Systems.


It is recommended that you have a good understanding of basic computer concepts such as primary memory, secondary memory, and data structures and algorithms before you begin to proceed with this tutorial.

DBMS Tutorial Index

Sr.No. Topics
1 DBMS Overview
2 DBMS Architecture
3 DBMS Data Models
4 DBMS Data Schemas
5 DBMS Data Independence
6 DBMS ER Model Basic Concepts
7 DBMS ER Diagram Representation
8 DBMS Generalization Aggregation
9 DBMS Codds Rules
10 DBMS Relation Data Model
11 DBMS ER Model to Relational Model
12 DBMS SQL Overview
13 DBMS Database Normalization
14 DBMS Database Joins
15 DBMS Storage System
16 DBMS File Structure
17 DBMS Indexing
18 DBMS Hashing
19 DBMS Transaction
20 DBMS Concurrency Control
21 DBMS Deadlock
22 DBMS Data Backup
23 DBMS Data Recovery

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